Experts in Forensic, Injury & Performance Biomechanics

Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, Powell Biomechanics Group specializes in the analysis, interpretation and presentation of injury and performance biomechanics. Using state-of-the-art technology and the latest analytical techniques, Powell Biomechanics Group performs accident reconstruction and forensic biomechanics analyses of motor vehicle accidents as well as slip, trip and fall events.

In addition to forensic biomechanics, the Powell Biomechanics Group performs original research using motion capture, musculoskeletal modeling and artificial intelligence algorithms. The primary focus of original research at Powell Biomechanics Group pertains to injury mechanisms in a variety of settings including falls, motor vehicle accidents and sports.

Since our founding in 2018, experts from Powell Biomechanics Group have provided expert opinions in written and oral form including deposition and trial testimony for civil and criminal cases.